Usaha Express was established in Jakarta by the late Mr. Jusuf Kaliman in the 1960s. Usaha Express opened its first overseas branch in Singapore just after the confrontation in the mid 1960s.

During that time the postal service between Indonesia and Singapore was poor and inefficient. Letters took weeks to reach their recipient. Usaha Express took this opportunity to introduce express courier services between these two countries and soon became the pioneer in the courier services industry in the region.

Today, our courier service has expanded beyond Singapore and Jakarta, into a worldwide service with strategic Asian branches in Hong Kong and Batam Island. 

Usaha Express continues to improve on our service offerings to better service our customers. Customers are able to enjoy a wide range of services such as subscription to Indonesian newspapers & magazines, and express worldwide courier with a strategic Asian focus.

At Usaha Express: We express it better for less.

Locate Us

Nearest MRT Station:

531A Upper Cross Street #03-120, Singapore 051531 Tel: +65-6222 2231 Fax: +65-6224 7900